Nuggets of Gold


Nuggets and Blue Jeans

Treasures are found in simple things

Nuggets and Blue Jeans

 "Nuggets of Gold" is intended to pass on treasures of information that I or others have gleaned along life's journey.

What better way to share these treasures than by blogging…. and like the unfinished canvas on the right, this is a process and an ongoing conversation.

Like a good old favorite pair of blue jeans, a golden nugget of truth and wisdom, wears well.

A favorite quote:

“Hold fast your dreams! Within your heart

Keep one small, secret spot Where dreams may go

And, sheltered so, May thrive and grow.”

Louise Driscoll

You are welcome to check out my other sites:

One of my paintings titled
"Mennonite Milkmaid"

in its unfinished state.
You'll find the completed version on the
 "Artist's Page"